Auntie Anne wasn’t just my beautiful Auntie, she was my God Mother. My whole life, I felt a special bond, a special connection with Auntie Anne. It gave me comfort and peace. I loved being around her. I felt at home. She had such a genuine warmth about her. She made me feel safe and unconditionally loved. We loved to share memories and photos of the “old days” whenever we got together, and we loved to have a wee sing song. The last time we were together, we sang the Ferryden Anthem. She was a Ferrydenner at heart. She never forgot her roots. She was proud of them. Even though Auntie Anne left Ferryden a long time ago, the place always remained in her heart.
After my wedding day, Auntie Anne wrote me the most beautiful card that I have cherished. She wrote words of such love and pride for me, I was so touched that she took the time to tell me how happy I was on my wedding day and how she watched me smiling all day and loving it all.
Auntie is a true inspiration. I have never met another woman with more resilience. As a nurse I watched her suffer but also saw that for her it was always mind over matter. Her body was struggling but she was determined to live every day with a purpose- to enjoy her day, enjoy her family and see all the positives life brings in between the challenges. I have always prayed hard for Auntie Anne’s pain to be relieved, but it never really was. She endured so much and complained so little. I will hold the memory of her in my heart forever. I remember her love and her pain and i pray she is now at peace, smiling and proud of the impact she had on all of us to cherish life, be grateful, meet our challenges and love each other. Thank you, Auntie Anne, for all you gave me and all you gave others. I love you. May you Rest in Peace.
13th May 2022